Staff Patrick Connor Posted February 12 Staff Posted February 12 2.6 Features and Improvements This post is the list of all new features and improvements included in the 2.6.0 release, and the next post is a list of the main bug fixes. Features and improvements affecting all platforms (Photo) Object Selection Tool Speed up your editing process by using this new Machine Learning tool that automatically selects objects of your choosing in an image. For information on where to find this new tool and how to download and use it, please refer to the online help listings for desktop or iPad. Please note: This Machine Learning features are optional and require downloading of the relevant model for it to work. It’s installed as a pre-trained model and doesn’t use any of your own data for further training / none of your data leaves your device at any time. For details on system requirements, please refer to our Tech Specs. The tool is demonstrated here (Photo) Select Subject This new Machine Learning feature analyses your image and selects what it considers to be the main subject of the scene. The operation can be recorded as a Macro to aid setting up foreground/background retouching workflows. For information on where to find this feature and how to download and use it, please refer to the online help listings for desktop or iPad. more instructions here (Publisher) Multi-Page Spreads In Publisher, spreads can now contain more than two pages, making it easy to create trifold, gatefold, accordion-fold and other page arrangements. New options include: Add Pages: Flow Pages Add Pages: Extend Spread Add Pages: New Spread Dragging to create/change layout Quote Please note: The implementation of this feature involved a rewrite of much of the existing page, spread and master code. As such, 2.6.0 cannot support backward compatibility to 2.5 for page operations. Any undo history saved with a document that was created in 2.5.7 or earlier, which involves page or spread manipulation, will be truncated. You won’t be able to undo back past the last page operation you did. If your 2.5.x document was saved with history and it includes any page action, you will be told when you open in 2.6.0 that the history has been truncated. Any changes made using 2.6 will save and load their history going forward, and this restriction only relates to page functions whose history was created in earlier versions. Additionally you should take particular care to backup your old documents when trying them out in the new beta in case there are bugs converting from the old file structure to the new. This note applies to all these features Multi-Page Spreads Page Reflow Control Page Migration Improvements Expand (Publisher) Page Reflow Control Publisher now has new options to help you manage your pages. These include: Reflow Pages – disable or enable automatic reflowing of documents from the Pages Panel Reflow Through Spread – disable reflowing for that specific spread even if the document is set up to allow it via the Pages Panel Add Pages – new options to add pages in the document flow, to a specific spread or as a new spread Additional updates to the Pages Panel have also been made, including the addition of new icons that will appear when drag-dropping pages to help demonstrate what will happen when a page is moved. Add Master Apply Master Copy Pages Copy Pages - Extend Spread (Shuffle Right / Left) Copy Pages - Insert Spread (Shuffle Right / Left) Create Spread from Master Action not permitted Re-arrange Pages - Insert Page (Extend Spread Right / Left) Re-arrange pages Re-arrange Pages - Insert Page (Shuffle Right / Left) (Publisher) Page Migration Improvements In addition to the other advanced page management updates listed previously, new page migration improvements have also been made. These include four new ‘page move’ options as outlined below. Split Masters When moving and reflowing pages, they are preserved exactly as they looked by cutting multi-page masters into individual pages and applying them to whatever page they fall on, even if they end up on the wrong side of the spine. This preserves visual fidelity but may lead to incorrect margins. This is a good option to use when you intend to make multiple edits that may temporarily push pages onto the wrong side but expect to flow them mostly back to the right place in the end. Move Master Content This is the default and the same behaviour as V2.5. Objects inherited from master pages which have been modified, e.g. a frame that has been populated, are moved with the page along with non master page content. Master objects that have not been modified are replaced with the ‘correct’ master page content for the spread page that it ends up on. The app will try hard to preserve content but you may end up with clashes, especially if your masters don’t have symmetrical frames on either side of the spine or have detached edits. Reapply Masters After pages have been moved, the master will be reapplied to every moved page using the smart master migration rules. This is a potentially powerful option to allow free reordering of pages with confidence that the frames will always fit the margins and any chiral design elements. However, careful master design is important. For it to work well, you need each master page to have left and right design alternatives for each page layout you are using. Although content will always be preserved, some detached edits, such as colour changes, might be lost. Anchor Toward Spine When a page element moves from one side of the spine to the other (either a page object or a master object that is being moved via Move Master Content) controls whether it maintains its absolute position on the page or its distance from the spine. If your margins are symmetrical about the spine but different for inner and outer, ‘Anchor toward spine’ is more likely to keep things glued to the margins. However, objects aligned to an outer page edge may unexpectedly move to align to the opposite edge. This can be avoided by pinning the object. Original Anchor Toward Spine Off Anchor Toward Spine On (Publisher) General Advanced Page Management Improvements Page Thumbnails An extra large size for page thumbnails is available on the Pages Panel’s preferences menu. However wide you make the panel – perhaps undocked on a second display – thumbnails are scaled so the widest spread pretty much fills its width. Master Tags If you right click on a master you can select a tag colour. The tag colour is displayed as a circle on the master thumbnail and a bar above all the pages where it is used. This makes it easier to identify which master is used where. You can hide tags by unticking Show master page tags in the panel preferences menu. Bug Fixes / Improvements Improvements to auto-flowing of text frames to more consistently add the right number of pages and choose the right template pages. Fixes and improvements in consistencies between Add, Delete, Copy and Move page operations. Layers panel now hides master objects that are not part of the applied page range. Spread Properties now highlights selected page in spread (Photo & Publisher) Updated SerifLabs RAW Support & Lens Recognition Database: The SerifLabs RAW engine has now been updated to include additional RAW formats, and we have also updated the Lens Recognition database. For a full list of supported cameras and corrected lenses, please refer to the Updated Camera SerifLabs RAW Support and Lens Correction database post on the forum. (Designer) Pencil, Pen and Node Tool Improvements Pencil Tool improvements Affinity Designer’s Pencil Tool now includes several new options on its context toolbar, including: Auto Close Previously, we only offered a proximity-based auto-closing option when making a closed shape from a pencil curve. But we’ve now introduced an Auto Close pop-up menu that offers a choice of options, including: Off – the curve is never closed Near – the curve is closed when end points approach each other Far – similar to Near but the distance between end points is greater Always – the curve is always closed irrespective of distance between end points Smoothness Smoothness can be applied in advance of pencil drawing or to pencil curves you’ve just drawn. By design, further smoothing is no longer possible once the curve is deselected. The feature works by repositioning, adding or removing nodes on the curve to affect the smoothing results. You can decrease or increase smoothing by dragging the slider left or right from the default value (50%), respectively; nodes are removed or added as a result. Note that this is not to be confused with the smoothing you’ll see when using the Stabiliser option on the context toolbar. It would be beneficial to switch this off while testing Smoothness. Use Line Style Prior to 2.6, the Pencil Tool presented the Use fill option as a check box on its context toolbar. This is now presented as an icon, and is accompanied by a new Use line style option, also an icon. This lets you adopt the currently set stroke properties (width, dot/dash, pressure) you have currently set up on the Stroke Panel for new pencil strokes. Pen Tool improvements The Pen Tool also benefits from the new Use line style option as described above. Node Tool improvements Converting nodes from Sharp to Smooth requires a visit to the Node Tool context toolbar or right-click menu. In 2.6, Affinity now lets you double-click (or Alt-click) a node to cycle between these node types, keeping you more focused on the curve. As another addition, either control handle on a Bézier curve’s node can be removed by double-clicking on its handle; the associated node becomes a sharp (cusp) corner. Colour Picker Improvements Previously when you used the Colour Picker available from the Colour or Stroke Panel it would first add the picked colour to the well next to the picker, and then you would be required to apply the colour manually by clicking the well. We are now changing this to automatically apply the picked colour to the selected object, so you’re no longer required to select the colour well. If you would prefer not to apply the selected colour (i.e. the previous behaviour), simply hold down Alt or ⌥ whilst picking the colour on Windows or Mac, or by using the command controller on iPad. Reading Order Panel We’ve introduced a Reading Order Panel in Publisher to improve the accessibility of PDFs produced in Affinity. The Panel gives you control over the order in which screen readers and other assistive technology read PDF content. Photo Usability Improvements A number of usability improvements have been made to Affinity Photo, something especially beneficial for users familiar with other image editors. Updates include: Image and RAW layers can now be used with raster selections when deleting and duplicating Merge Down / Merge Selected commands now work with Image and RAW layers ⌘/Ctrl-click drag with marquee selection now works on Image and RAW layers Image layers can now be used to enter the Develop Persona Image and RAW layers can now be used to enter the Liquify Persona Image and RAW layers can now be used to enter the Tone Mapping Persona When using a brush tool on an Image or RAW layer, perform a non-destructive behaviour instead of rasterising Inpainting Brush Tool and Patch Tool now remember sampler option between sessions/documents Raster brush tools now have a “Reset” button to reset to the default round brush Map Live Perspective filter to ⌘+T / Ctrl+T (only in Pixel/Photo workspace on Desktop) Rectangular Marquee Tool has a “From Centre” option Standardise modifiers across selection tools and avoid the need for a quaternary modifier (which was right mouse on Windows) Standardise toggle modifier for marquee select intersection (with Move Tool) Ctrl+⌥ / Ctrl+Alt modifier for brush tools added to hint line Antialiasing enabled by default for Flood Select / Marquee / Freehand Tools Brush hardness override for iPad removed Clear Mask and Fill Mask added to right click mask layer context menu Edit>Inpaint can be used with Image and RAW layers PDFs with no raster content now import at 300 DPI by default TIFF: Unassociated Alpha is now imported correctly, and a toast is displayed informing the user Plugins can now be used on Image and RAW layers Parameterised macros no longer rasterise non-pixel layers when run Prevent non-pixel layer rasterisation when using Ctrl+⌥ / Ctrl+Alt brush modifier Curves will render greyscale result immediately when colour model is changed to Grey A demonstration of some of these improvements can be seen here on James Ritson's channel, made before launch Other Improvements There are a few other minor improvements to mention in 2.6: Selection Box can now be set for Objects Rotated by 90°, 180° or -90° Stroke Width Tool – better handling of size variance and pressures that have profiles or are inverted. Size variance is extended to cater for the range of the control point the user is editing. Stroke Width Tool – added 'Reset' button to the context toolbar Preflight will now warn if text flows contain mismatched scaling Vector and Pixel Brushes are now searchable. A search field is present just above the category selector (only searches the currently selected Category) (Desktop) Stroke Width Tool – added a right-click context menu (when you’re not right clicking over the actual curve itself) (iPad) Sliders behave like a normal slider (i.e. such as the Opacity and Noise ones on the Colour Panel). A tap/click on the slider will move the slider’s handle to that position. Tap/click then drag will move the handle to match the touch/cursor position. (iPad) Quick Shapes: When there is no shape selected apply values to the default shape The Tags Panel has been updated to allow users to use Alt Tag and Extended Description XMP tags inside images In addition to those features on all platforms (above), these are the Windows and macOS features and improvements QR Code as a Data Merge Field QR codes can now be generated using data from a data merge source. Full feature lists for the applications can be found here Affinity Designer Feature List Affinity Photo Feature List Affinity Publisher Feature List As well as all those improvements above, listed below is a list of the fixed bugs in this release Mithferion, Sukavi, j3rry and 6 others 4 5 Patrick Connor Serif Europe Ltd Latest V2 releases on each platform Help make our apps better by joining our beta program! "There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self." W. L. Sheldon
Staff Patrick Connor Posted February 12 Author Staff Posted February 12 This post covers most of the bug fixes that are included in 2.6.0. The fixes are organised by operating system. (A) Bug fixes which affected all platforms Moving target page invalidates Page Hyperlinks [AF-4128] Grouped Text Frame scales unexpectedly when pasting between different DPI documents [AF-3451] Grouped Curve width scales unexpectedly when pasting between different DPI documents [AF-3450] Using Layer > Merge on linked layers freezes app, never recovers [AF-355] Masks on groups with Pass-through don't composite correctly [AF-2951] Applying Master Page with Pinned object does not include Pinned object on applied Page [AF-1144] Moving a Pixel Selection with multiple layers selected moves the entire layers and not the selection area [AF-501] Applying a master page spread to a single page on a spread inherits text wrapping on hidden objects on the other page. [AF-496] Node Tool > Join Curves creates node handles at 0,0 with Vector Brush or Pencil Curves [AF-257] Using Live Perspective on a linked pixel layer causes an app crash [AF-267] Blocky Textures using Smudge tool [AF-5391] HEIC files made with iOS 18 are unsupported [AF-4369] iPhone 'HEIF Max' RAW images fail to open with 'file type not supported' error [AF-3873] Text is being not being scaled correctly when pasting artboard into a document with different DPI [AF-3298] [user file] object with no fill exports (also expands) as filled object [AF-3121] [User file] object selection problematic [AF-3048] Nodes are removed when smooth curve is used on a curve with a bump/arm [AF-2783] It's not possible to apply a pressure profile to strokes created with the Vector Brush Tool when the Controller is set to None [AF-2705] [User File] HIF incorrectly opens horizontally, not vertically, with duplicated content [AF-2661] (Publisher) Crash when clearing Masters [AF-2603] Importing multi page PDF file does not automatically create slices for each Artboard ' page ' [AF-2328] Space After value of 0 is not retained when placing a Word docx file, but is when copy and pasted [AF-2288] Autoflowing linked master text frame when only one half of master is applied does not correctly link frames auto-generated [AF-1409] Typographic quotes can be orphaned to a new line, depends on language set and leading character [AF-1036] Creating pages from overflowing text frame with a secondary master applied within the active master creates a page with both masters applied separately [AF-853] Basic Brush can't be set below 3 pixels [AF-4002] Develop Persona- RF-S 18-150mm F3.5-6.3 IS STM Lens profile not identified in the lens panel [AF-3947] Certain Metadata fields are character limited due to IPTC IIM, but XMP is supported and therefore shouldn't be limited [AF-3869] inconsistent font trait display order [AF-3654] Pencil Tool's Auto Close should not fill the shape if Use Fill is unchecked [AF-2785] Nikon Z8 with compression fails to open [AF-1950] Cannot Set Selection Box for Objects Rotated by 90°, 180° or -90° [AF-1822] Set Selection Box - Lines should use regular bounds rather than base box when grouped [AF-1761] Pasting pixel selection is not on whole pixels [AF-4886] Text Style Editor: Slight section naming differences between Panel and Dialog [AF-2852] User file failing to export to PDF, crashes as soon as you select PDF from dropdown list on the Export Window TIF (possibly from vRay) is failing to import with an Unassociated Alpha. XMP Tags are not shown for images inside Picture Frames Vector Flood Fill Tool leaves behind shape with no-Stroke/Fill when set to insert In-between and Knockout fill Develop Persona- RF 14-35mm F4 L IS USM correction not auto detected in the Lens panel Export > PDF: When app is set to Italian it has two entries for Consenti modifica contenuto Story Gradients aren't preserved when resizing a spread Exporting with Selection Area set to Pages/All Pages will export with a transparent background Translation and Help fixes (B) Bug fixes which affected Desktop (Windows and macOS) Exporting a Book to PDF Only Includes Bookmarks for the First Chapter [AF-5131] Crash when creating a new layer (shortcut) while drawing with a brush [AF-5088] App Crash when exporting to PDF/SVG/EPS due to presence of null width/height curve [AF-3925] Copying objects crashes if Windows clipboard history enabled [AF-3334] File crashes adding pages before Index [AF-3241] Specific object causes app to crash when Smoothed twice [AF-3180] Linked multi-page PDF fails to display Page 1 when set to Interpret and duplicated across multiple pages after closing and reopening file [AF-3052] User file - app crash on DXF/DWG export [AF-2771] Data merge- Generating with a linked SVG file causes an app freeze when attempting to save [AF-2757] Deleting single facing pages causes an app crash due to the presence of single facing page masters- File(s) specific [AF-1276] Changing page size and then undoing gives incorrect results. [AF-374] Grouping a large amount of objects is slower in V2 than V1 [AF-5546] Playing macro with Set adjustment parameters forces unnecessary rasterisation [AF-5337] Additional Spaces at the End of Hyperlinks Cause Publisher to Crash or Generate an Error when exporting books to PDF with hyperlinks [AF-5220] ToC Created Without Anchors Being Generated for Closed Chapters [AF-5162] Nested Anchor Hierarchy for Book Chapters is Flattened When the Export Window is Invoked or the File Reopened [AF-5134] Copy/Pasting linked text frames between different document DPIs causes scaling issues [AF-4453] Copy and Pasting Anchor Type Hyperlinks does not duplicate the Hyperlink [AF-4424] Include from export overwritten by exporting to specific page range [AF-4388] Hyperlink to an External PDF File Fails if the PDF File Has a Space in Its Filename [AF-4214] Embedded resource changes to linked after save and reopen. [AF-4110] Editing an embedded .afpub file master page does not sync the layers panel correctly [AF-4102] Publisher Crashes When Image Placement Policy is Forced [AF-4092] Nested Anchor hierarchy can be flattened when updating the TOC between book chapters [AF-4078] Hyperlinks within Endnotes imported from MS Word/Google Docs do not import correctly [AF-4074] Master page text frame inside a group edited on a normal page does not migrate correctly [AF-4246] Text on a path characters rotate away from baseline based on Horizontal Scale value [AF-4056] [User File] PDF imports with truncated image layer [AF-4037] Exposing Macro Parameters can unexpectedly rasterise Linked/Embedded RAW layers [AF-3903] Users PDF using PDF version 1.1 crashing when opening in Affinity [AF-3777] Export PDF: wanting to export page range from X to end fails, exports only first page [AF-3744] Text Style Editor > Font > Font Style, [No Change] is not retained [AF-3700] Applying local Kerning value breaks Running Header style association [AF-3662] Right clicking text in Designer / Photo provides 'Convert Text to Field' options, though Fields are unsupported [AF-3490] Placing docx file does not apply imported Text Styles correctly [AF-3473] Add pages from file- Importing IDML files can result in text scaling issues on the first page [AF-3452] Rescaling a document with centre aligned and justified text causes alignment/overflow issues [AF-3427] Adjustable Macro parameters are no longer honoured, default parameters are always used [AF-3284] Duplicating a page does not rename anchors causing issues with cross references [AF-3163] Multi Page PDF is displaying incorrectly when placed in Designer [AF-2915] Variable Font - PSD import does not recognise font [AF-2914] 10Bit HIF image not opening as expected compared to other apps. [AF-2184] Resample tickbox ignored and always true when recording a macro [AF-990] Gradient Tool: crash when dragging a swatch to a gradient node [AF-354] Develop Persona - White balance not correctly saved/recalled with preset [AF-288] User file: One line of text shows as Unknown (en-US) the other shows as English (en-US) [AF-5603] "Filter Effect ink density too high" error on SVG import [AF-5556] Rotation EXIF disregarded in imported HEIF [AF-5531] ToC Includes Master Page Content for Non-Existent Pages [AF-5460] Develop Persona- NIKKOR Z 70-180mm f/2.8 correction identified incorrectly in the Lens panel [AF-4990] Develop Persona- Sony 1.4 35mm GM correction not auto detected in the Lens panel [AF-4988] Entering Quick Mask mode when Refining doesn't accept input [AF-4943] Curves Adjustment- Setting 'Gray' colour mode does not render the image in grayscale until the tone curve is moved [AF-4940] Attached SVG imports incorrectly in Affinity [AF-4925] Picture Frame's scale slider appears in the incorrect position for multi-page spread [AF-4811] excel import - tricky situation with merged cells and hidden columns possibly [AF-4456] 16 Bit PNG file converted to a 16 -it HEIC using imagemagick opens in affinity as overexposed and as a 32-bit image [AF-4448] Develop Persona- RF 24-50mm F4.5-6.3 IS STM Lens profile is not auto detected in the lens panel [AF-4439] Double clicking scale handle doesn't scale certain text objects [AF-4290] Layer FX: Gaussian Blur FX with Preserve Alpha checked, overrides Colour Overlay [AF-4264] Update button for 'Current Date & Time' field fails if text frame is placed on a master page [AF-4201] Variable fonts - could trait be shown as "Custom" rather than blank [AF-2606] Develop Persona- Sigma 12-24mm f/4.5-5.6 EX DG HSM Lens profile not identified in the lens panel [AF-2140] Lens correction not identifying Canon RF 50mm f1.8 STM lens but Tamron AF 80-210mm instead. [AF-1843] Footnotes can become Endnotes by editing a Paragraph style [AF-1639] Export: Pages fields can accept non numeric entry and will still export first page of doc [AF-1630] Sprh/Sprw Transform panel variable expressions don't work on multipage documents [AF-891] Generating a data merged document using multiple sections only keeps the first and last section [AF-734] Data merge ignores line breaks in CSV, TSV, JSON [AF-733] Frequency seperation forces median blur values to be multiplied by 3 [AF-4816] Hyperlink property include file on export not sticky when from Data merge is selected [AF-4243] Rotated text box with hyperlinks causes the link to point to the wrong page [AF-4118] User book file delay entering text into a chapter [AF-4073] CTRL+ALT+Left/Ctrl+Opt+Left mouse to increase/decrease brush size will Rasterise a Image layer if Image Layer is selected [AF-3908] QR code tool- 'Email' and 'vCard' data types do not validate for invalid hyphens [AF-3906] Running header when used with a custom Field doesn't display correctly [AF-3646] Edit Detached: Deleting a page leaves the Edit Detached green banner on screen and clicking Finish does nothing [AF-3642] Typo with Show in both panes in text style editor [AF-3460] Endnotes- Changing the Number Style does not redraw the selected style on the page [AF-3325] Discrepency between Character Panel and Text Style Editor for Text/Highlight Fill names [AF-2873] Text Style Editor: Reset Keyboard Shortcut button is inconsistent with Initial Words reset button [AF-2854] Text frames with overflowing text and text wrapped objects can cause footnote positioning to behave erratically [AF-1600] Artefact appears when using Move data entry on 2 node line on multi-page doc [AF-937] Publisher help missing German "viewing" page [AF-660] Text frame panel maximum paragraph space improvement [AF-420] Holding CTRL when placing a text file creates a broken text frame and can crash the app Changing document DPI makes all the spreads the same size Publisher document with placed PDF containing Bluebeam PDF comments crashes on export Stroke width tool - Undo redo fails to restore the stroke width Sort Table causes app to crash when document saved with history is undone Footnotes become invisible if the last footnote on the page is shifted onward by flow control Selection issues on detached frames Inserting Anchor with a text frame selected gives differing results and can result in hidden anchors Spread Properties > Margins show inner/outer for a Single page Master in a document with Facing Pages. New Document > Max number of pages is capped too high App crash when pasting too many characters into Text Editor Style Name field Variable Fonts - Pasting from Indesign - Font not recognised Pencil Tool - Stroke doesn't work when starting a new document with Use Fill and Auto Close enabled Page Thumbnails Fail to Update in Resource Manager When Page Reference Changed Invoking the Export Panel for a Book Modifies Open Chapters Blemish Tool: Incrementing its Width with [ and ] keys doesn't update the context toolbar setting Pixel Persona: View Tool should be the other side of the divider or nested with the Zoom Tool Corner Tool: Corner types are in different order (macOS & Win) QR Code: Invalid URL icon overlaps the Visit target URL button Attached file gets stuck at loading document Pinned image isn't being copied The Tags panel's contents do not adapt when the panel's height changes Opening a chapter in a book is also marking the previous chapter as 'Status: OK' Rename Table of Contents dialog doesn't correctly recall unnamed ToCs. Tooltip for variable fonts button differs between desktop platforms Paragraph panel's sections are all expanded by default, making it cumbersome to navigate Merge cells from the header ignores cells selection (C) Bugs fixed which specifically affected Windows Index Panel- Using 'Find in Document' on index topics around 40 characters triggers an app crash [AF-5440] Character Panel [No Style] Selection Causes the Affinity Apps to Crash when Using the Up or Down Arrow Keys [AF-5333] TSE - Setting 'Initial Words' Style by pressing down arrow triggers an app crash [AF-5216] Add Noise and Diffuse filters allow for negative % input and can trigger an app crash [AF-4708] [Windows] Users PDF files is crashing on opening or placing [AF-4159] DXF/DWG Export- 'Changes to the file are not allowed' when exporting from Publisher [AF-3971] Stock Panel: Instant crash when dragging an image with the Vector Flood Fill Tool selected [AF-3817] After exporting to PDF, opening a TOC document as a chapter from Books opens as Read Only, forcing the user to Save As and therefore not update the book [AF-3807] Knife Tool- Adding two scissor-cuts and subsequently deleting can trigger an app crash [AF-3737] Edit > Preferences > Tools > Synchronise Tools Between Documents state is not remembered [AF-3502] Index Hyperlink in exported PDF book no longer working [AF-3286] Crash using Document Setup if Windows Region settings use a minus sign as the negative sign symbol instead of the common dash [AF-3086] Collecting Embedded SVG file crashes app [AF-2970] Data merge with 3 nested data merge layout objects crashes Publisher [AF-2660] Mystery app crash on Surface Pro 9 [AF-2133] Layer Thumbnails do not update or are considerably delayed with an active pixel selection (marching ants) [AF-1780] Brush gets highlighted when you move it, but is not selected [AF-5610] Affinity Suite: French Translation of the ‘Blend Options’ Window [AF-4221] Incorrect proportional scale rounding when using Resize Canvas [AF-4014] Variable font with many axes can be truncated based on display size [AF-3927] Text Style Editor- Style settings formatting measurements are listed with incorrect values [AF-3804] "Documents open in a new floating window" always defaults to monitor 1, regardless of the last window position (for built-in displays) [AF-3774] Certain Type 1 fonts are still not listed [AF-3750] Develop Persona - expanding section enables options automatically [AF-3540] WIN: Registration Colour fill can not be deleted from right click menu [AF-3511] Patch Tool in Grey colour space documents with hardware acceleration enabled fills patch with pure black [AF-3274] File > Open / Place does not correctly list HEIF, HIF & HEIC files [AF-2658] Find and Replace: with Match case enabled, you cannot search for a custom field [AF-2438] We shouldn't be allowed to enter Tone Map whilst recording a macro [AF-1047] History Panel- Duplicate entry when editing guide position [AF-5353] Click + Dragging on Opacity label in adjustment windows does not alter the value [AF-5231] Strong and Strong Emphasis Character Style Not Applied When Text Style Panel is Floating or Selected and Docked in the Right Studio [AF-5219] Pressing X to swap colours while brushing creates squared brush stroke [AF-5210] Decorations Applied from a Text Style Fails to Show When the Dash/Gap Values are Adjusted with Mouse Wheel [AF-5075] Font not returning to previous trait when toggled (font family dependent) [AF-4877] Copy and pasting image from FireFox pastes the file address [AF-4808] Freehand Selection tool in Polygonal mode causes Photo to crash [AF-4734] Text wrapping unit conversion incorrect [AF-4226] Table panel units don't automatically update when switching document units. [AF-4225] Artboard title character limit [AF-4213] main menu not visible when in Publishers Develop persona [AF-4129] Book Studio has tight spacing and missing controls on Windows + missing wording on macOS [AF-4124] Colour Chooser shows incorrect 'node' location for 0/0/0/100 (100K) black [AF-4018] 0/0/0/100 (100K) Black reports incorrect HSL values in the Colour Studio / Chooser [AF-4017] Resource Manager: Show in Explorer is untranslated or blank [AF-3952] Text Style Editor > Bullets and Numbering > Text field uses incorrect sized 'tag' for list levels (\1 , \#,) and should have rounded corners(?) [AF-3493] Table of Contents 'Scope' labels do not sit on the same baseline [AF-3321] Table panel, Stroke and Fill section, Cell Stroke dropdown panel: Cap option is greyed out (regression) [AF-3251] Position & Transform: Baseline is at -0 pt [AF-3183] When HSV is enabled, Luminosity Shift should be Value Shift [AF-3072] PDF Export- 'Include Layers' cannot be toggled when PDF/X-4 is selected [AF-2833] Place Studio is not shown if Left Studio has been hidden manually [AF-2679] Apply Master/Add Page dialog - Master Page dropdown automatically scrolls to the bottom [AF-400] Passthrough Blend Mode with grouped mask is giving unexpected results [AF-399] Tone mapping persona - Overlay Opacity slider runs from 0 to 10% rather than 100% [AF-5483] Export Preview- Zooming in crops out image edges due to scrollbar [AF-5248] Insert Hyperlinks Dialog- Text input to change dropdowns does not dynamically update the field [AF-4826] Transform panel wider than other grouped panels [AF-4365] Settings>Shortcuts no option to set shortcuts for the Develop Persona in Publisher [AF-4107] [Dark UI] no gap between [Add] [Remove] decorations buttons. [AF-3446] Overlays Panel Opacity slider runs from 0% to 10% rather than 100% [AF-3429] Text Style Editor: Apply is clipped under Tab Stops [AF-3428] CTRL+TAB for next window doesn't go in expected order [AF-3253] QR Code: WiFi preset shows the Type: as 'Wi-Fi', (i.e., hyphenated) and the tooltip as 'Invalid WiFi SSID [AF-3125] Cross-References Panel - Last used preset is not recalled [AF-3066] Publisher will crash if you place a RAW file and click Develop Image and use CTRL+Comma to call up Settings New > Recent files appear listed after being renamed externally, no preview shown and opening file has no result or toast Books Panel: Close Open Chapters doesn't promot to save changes to modified chapters on Windows Edit Detached fails to undo/redo correctly after reopening document Text Frame Panel's Stroke Flyout on Windows allows you to use Properties and Textured Line Styles Unable to click-zoom to pages after accidentally dragging a page Stock Library Images are Missing 20 px from the Bottom of each File when Added as an Image Rather than Pixel Layer Fields Panel dividers can only ever be made larger on Windows Index panel options missing labels on Windows Document Setup: The descenders on the tabs are clipped Bullets and Numbering: Preferences icon is washed out in Light UI Table of Contents > Scope > Book is truncated at panels minimum width QR Code Tool > URL after second character is entered the whole field is highlighted Median Brush Tool: Symmetry is missing on the context toolbar Undo Brush Tool: Conext toolbar differs between macOS and Windows Flood Fill Tool: Missing label for 'Blend mode' Double-clicking the empty space on a floating panel will close it Contour Tool: Contour Type has incorrect spelling on tooltip (Miter not Mitre) Reduce the hit area to enter Text Style Editor Immediately after relinking chapters' files to a book, they may have an unexpected status Baseline Grid: HSL sliders can cause each other to break and not display the colour waterfall correctly Baseline Grid: Hue slider causes the picker to shake when dragged Baseline Grid: CMYK Sliders do not function correctly Remove Tint from Baseline Grid settings Remove the Noise slider from Baseline Grid Typography Panel has text clipping in multiple languages Character Panel: Stroke style under decorations incorrectly lists Texture Line Style Bullets and Numbering: under More set the dropdown to Narrow Bold Italic and it will indent the glyphs Parahraph panel > Initial words> Full stop is treated as a word Character Panel: Optical Alignment spinners add too many history steps Tags minimum size cuts off features and is not scrollable Send anonymous usage information doesn't appear on Mac but appears (disabled) on Windows after Canva login Freehand Selection Tool's Type options are a dropdown on Windows instead of buttons (D) Bugs fixed which specifically affected macOS App crash when linking Anchors between book chapters [AF-4047] Placing a users Docx file causes a crash. Related to the Left and Right Footer text style applied [AF-3239] User file- Crash on add/removal of pages and crash on open in 2.6 beta [AF-5630] Exporting to PDF with 'Junicode' font triggers an app crash [AF-4615] Copy & pasting any object with hyperlink to a target in a merged doc causes crash [AF-4581] Astro Persona Files panel- Stacking frames from multiple groups with no filter assigned triggers an app crash [AF-4471] Crash when opening SVG file without enclosing <SVG></SVG> tags [AF-4146] User file- App crash when applying a master page to a spread containing a split master [AF-4080] Variable fonts do not display all axes, displaying the last 13 available in the font [AF-3926] Switching between Paint and Eraser Brush tools with the width value highlighted triggers an app crash [AF-3848] Books created with a chapter containing a TOC fail to export, export corrupted or export with TOC chapter missing [AF-3805] Adding pages from file with same page size but different DPI results in scaling issues [AF-3426] Document Recovery prompt appears after certain dialogs/panels are initialised [AF-3158] User file containing many linked PDF files has unexpectedly inflated file size, speed and saving issues [AF-5488] Find & Replace auto selects a font style but not for all font families [AF-5076] Changing Document DPI Displays the Wrong Font Size in the Text Styles Panel if Editing the Text Style [AF-4857] User File: Edit hyperlink on a shape with a title causes a spinning ball for around 10-15 seconds [AF-4846] Books Panel- Exporting to PDF with Endnotes set to ‘End of Story’ fails to generate the reference hyperlinks [AF-4244] [User file] Linked PDF fails to render correctly when file opened [AF-4223] File > Open / Place does not correctly list HEIF, HIF & HEIC files [AF-4162] Books Panel- 'Update TOC Before Output' setting is ignored on export [AF-3975] Hyperlink properties: Possible to enter multi-line entries into the text fields [AF-3741] User file appears to have ghost hyperlinks which causes PDF export to fail [AF-3708] Placing Excel file causing Publisher to crash [AF-3504] Changing the Document DPI scales default Text style font sizes [AF-3243] Changing Document DPI Unexpectedly causes Guides to scale on Artboards [AF-3224] Changing Document DPI unexpectedly changes the Note positions on the page [AF-3223] Brush gets highlighted when you move it, but is not selected [AF-1453] Add Master preset sizes are incorrect [AF-1302] Page Preview Not Shown When Editing Placed PDF Files [AF-960] Auto text flow starting from a left hand facing page fails and clears all text [AF-242] Bottom of Frame Footnote isn't fitting even though room at end of second column [AF-5346] Contextual help for picture frame tools [AF-5072] Develop Persona- Sony FE 24mm F1.4 GM correction not auto detected in the Lens panel [AF-4997] Missing French translation in Settings > General [AF-4685] 'Junicode VF' font triggers severe input delay while typing [AF-4660] Text Style Editor > Clicking some dropdown and selecting 0 doesn't apply and reverts to No Change [AF-4387] Missing Path Data for PS Plug-ins on macOS [AF-4370] Master Page duplicate name message appears twice [AF-4307] Can't change from Hairline View mode back to Vector view mode [AF-4169] Table panel, Stroke and Fill section, Cell Stroke dropdown panel: Cap option is greyed out (regression) [AF-4165] Book Studio has tight spacing and missing controls on Windows + missing wording on macOS [AF-4164] PDF Export- 'Include Layers' cannot be toggled when PDF/X-4 is selected [AF-4160] Typography- Subscript/Superscript radio buttons can both be simultaneously toggled on [AF-4125] Mac Publisher Book Chapter uses different spelling for Synchronise in the book menu and using right click. [AF-3892] Resizing a Masked Document and undoing the Resize causes the Mask to be in the wrong location [AF-3872] Go To Note Reference won't work in Endnote text frame is on a Master Page [AF-3791] Custom Variable font is using the wrong kerning value in Affinity [AF-3768] QR Code: 'The payload data is too long' message [AF-3719] Up/down arrow in Cross-Reference filter field changes value by +/- 1 [AF-3425] Text Style Editor- Certain values do not match the Character panel when edited in the TSE [AF-3214] When HSV is enabled, Luminosity Shift should be Value Shift [AF-3145] Compound Layer: Subtract and Intersect icons are swapped around [AF-2850] Import from Word overrides indent value in style [AF-2818] Hyperlink Properties dialog cannot be re-sized [AF-2795] Independent Baseline Grid ignored in scaled groups [AF-2720] Find and Replace doesn't go to page if cursor is already on that page [AF-1295] Canon EOS R7 + Canon RF 24mm F1.8 Lens incorrectly being identified as Tokina 28-70m lens despite being correct in EXIF data [AF-900] Add Master Dialog- Defaults to Single page layout in a facing page document dependant on page selected [AF-842] Settings > User Interface: French translation "Afficher les aperçus de pinceaux" should be plural [AF-5555] History Panel - Event name discrepancies between Typography and Character panels [AF-5411] Double Clicking Go to Anchor fails to Go to the Selected Anchor on macOS [AF-5135] .afbook Missing chapter alert typo [AF-4832] Books Panel- Save confirmation message uses 'Yes'/'No' instead of the standard 'Save'/'Don't Save' Buttons [AF-4241] Tab Stops - overlapping text [AF-4068] Word Count treats En and Em dashes as hyphens [AF-3944] Cross-references not updated by section manager changes automatically [AF-3865] Character and Paragraph panel don't update when resetting Defaults [AF-3691] Variable font Gnomon - odd axis behaviour on Mac [AF-3187] Missing variable fonts not requested if font parameters are changed [AF-3124] Paragraph Panel/Text Style Editor: order consistency [AF-3068] Swatch>Palette selection isn't remembered when switching between documents [AF-2943] Text Style Editor: Category text too Large/Descenders cut off when using Large UI Fonts [AF-2921] User file- App crash on PDF import Holding CTRL when placing a DOCX file fails to import it [User file] Exporting to PDF from Book panel results in crash Starting a new document with thousands of pages fails to load and causes an error and closes app Contents of Style Settings can go missing if closing the dialog with Decorations selected User file- Exporting Book to PDF unexpectedly Locks certain chapters and fails to output them to PDF Duplicating pages can lose edited master objects Document > Margins > Include margins doesn't work properly [file specific] Smoothing curve makes it disappear from canvas (layer remains in Layers panel) App doesn't ask you to save after clicking Edit in Photo Making a file (placed from Windows) in Resource Manager 'Linked' it will be renamed to the whole file path. Fonts no longer show as 'Missing' on macOS and show as 'OK' instead Character Panel: Optical Alignment spinners add too many history steps Localisation - Typography Panel - OpenType features not showing translated strings Text Style Editor: Unable to change Glyph Flyout options on macOS Bullets and Numbering: Preferences icon is washed out in Light UI Ambidextrous master pages should have page count disabled Layer States: Scrollbar should be darker in Light UI Tags minimum size cuts off features and is not scrollable Preference - PhotoShop-Plugins-Cant scroll lists using up/down arrow keys Table Panel: Switching from Light UI to Dark UI keeps the colour of the scroll bar Selecting PDF/X-4 export preset displays a warning icon next to Encryption item. (E) Bugs fixed which specifically affected iPad App retaining a lot of storage after closing files [AF-233] Guides menu- app crash when selecting the colour selector with the selector already open [AF-4116] Reveal is not working on iPad [AF-530] File > Open / Place does not correctly list HEIF, HIF & HEIC files [AF-4163] Copy and Paste between Affinity apps fails, with no indication [AF-2198] Table panel, Stroke and Fill section, Cell Stroke dropdown panel: Cap option is greyed out (regression) [AF-4166] PDF Export- 'Include Layers' cannot be toggled when PDF/X-4 is selected [AF-4161] When HSV is enabled, Luminosity should be Value [AF-3146] Cycle selection box doesn't reset transform panel rotation [AF-2747] Inserting an Anchor will cause a Document Failed to Load message on iPad until the app is restarted. Inserting a cross-reference crashes the app Crash when tapping Home with finger held down Locking Screen whilst long pressing a live doc to rearrange tiles crashes app User file - File containing linked resource crashes on open. Unable to navigate between Korean characters using Left/Right arrows on iPad Unable to set default Shape parameters Dragging an optical alignment rule's Left and Right values affects more than one rule Picking a fill when using Vector Flood Fill does not update colour well Unsharp Mask filter missing slider icon for Factor Halftone filter missing slider icons for GCR and UCR Photo iPad: no icons for sliders when Shadows/Highlights filter is active. Rectangle tool should only show corner type and radius parameters in the context toolbar when there is a shape selected Relink not available from Resource Manager > Details Options menu Edit Menu button keeps enabled state after making a selection from menu Affinity Windows applications include the fixes in lists (A)+(B)+(C) (A) Bugs fixes affecting All Apps + (B) Bug fixes affecting desktop Apps + (C) those fixes affecting Windows Affinity macOS applications include the fixes in lists (A)+(B)+(D) (A) Bugs fixes affecting All Apps + (B) Bug fixes affecting desktop Apps + (D) Bug fixes affecting macOS Affinity iPad applications include the fixes in list (A)+(E) (A) Bugs fixes affecting All Apps + (E) Bug fixes affecting iPads. These list are just the highlights of the many (~350) fixes made during the recent 2.6.0 beta cycle, which are listed in full in this post . If you have reported a bug and it is not yet fixed, please do not report it again. More fixes will be made in the next beta cycle. j3rry, user_0815, Hilltop and 3 others 3 3 Patrick Connor Serif Europe Ltd Latest V2 releases on each platform Help make our apps better by joining our beta program! "There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self." W. L. Sheldon
Staff Patrick Connor Posted February 27 Author Staff Posted February 27 Affinity Suite 2.6.1 for iPad is exactly the same as the Affinity 2.6.0 builds but with a fix for the application not running on iPadOS < 16.4 and a batch processing regression. [iPad] Devices running iPadOS < 16.4 crash on startup following 2.6.0 update [AF-6020] [iPad] Batch Job- App crash on selecting JPEG export options [AF-5941] Both of those issues only affected iPads, so 2.6.1 builds are ONLY available on the iPad store and will update automatically. You can also click here follow this thread to be notified about all future released including 2.6.1. There will shortly be a 2.6.2 customer beta for ALL platforms starting on the beta forums soon. 2.6.2 will address other issues found in 2.6.0/2.6.1 and that will be released on all platforms when the beta process has completed. Follow this forum for beta announcements freelancerakash11, pruus and SrPx 3 Patrick Connor Serif Europe Ltd Latest V2 releases on each platform Help make our apps better by joining our beta program! "There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self." W. L. Sheldon
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